GC 465 - Hydrology

Offered Fall: Yes Offered Winter: No Offered Summer: No Offered Other: No
4 Credits
Hours (Lecture - Discussion - Lab): 3-0-2
Prerequisites: BI 210  or GC 100  or GC 101 , MA 111  or higher, and junior standing, or instructor permission.

Hydrology provides students with an advanced understanding of physical and chemical water properties and how they relate to the Earth and environmental sciences. This course examines storage and transport of water in the ground, on the surface, and in the atmosphere, as well as the human dimensions of water resources, including management, water quality and natural hazards. Students will be able to perform professional hydrological sample collection, data analysis and resource assessment techniques. Students will attend formal lectures infused with informal discussions and applied exercises, and will gain professionally relevant knowledge skills and abilities through field-, analytical-, and computation-based labs.

Notes: Field work may be required. Contact instructor for more information.

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