Feb 02, 2025  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

Understanding the Course Search

How to read a course search
Course Prefix Definitions 


How to read a course search:

(A) Course Title: Displays the name of the course, the course name may be abbreviated in the course registration system

(B) Offered: Displays the semester the course is typically offered. When “Other” is “Yes” the course does not follow a standard rotation

(C) Credits: Displays the credit value of the course

(D) House (Lecture - Discussion - Lab): Displays the contact hours of the lecture, discussion, and/or lab of the course

(E) Prerequisite or Corequisite: Only displayed if applicable. Prerequisite courses must be successfully completed before registering for a course. Corequisite courses can be taken alongside the course

(F) Course Description: Displays the description of the course

(G) Print symbol: Print the selected course description

Course Prefixes

Below is a list of course prefixes used in the bulletin. Some prefixes may no longer be in use but were used in previous editions of the bulletin.

ABA - Psychological Science
ACT - Accounting
AD - Art and Design
AH - Allied Health
AIS - Academic Information Services
AMT - Aviation Maintenance Techology
AN - Anthropology
AS - Astronomy
ATR - Athletic Training
AUT - Automotive Service Technology
BC - Broadcasting
BI - Biology
CA - Commencement and Graduation
CH - Chemistry
CHN - Chinese
CIS - Computer Information Systems
CJ - Criminal Justice
CLS - Clinical Laboratory Science
CN - Construction Systems
CO - Cannabis Operations
COS - Cosmetology
CRT - Collision Repair Technology
CS - Computer Science
DAN - Dance
DATA - Data Science
DD - Drawing and Design
DFST - Deaf Studies
EC - Economics
ED - Education
EL - Electrical Line
ELI - English Language Institute
EN - English
ENV - Environmental Science
ES - Exercise Science
ESPR - Entertainment and Sports Promotion
ET - Electrical Engineering Technology
FIN - Finance
FR - French
GC - Geography
GN - Gender Studies
GR - German
GRN - Gerontology
HL - Health
HM - Hospitality Management
HN - Human Nutrition
HON - Honors
HP - Health Promotion
HPE - Health and Physical Education
HR - Cosmetology Instructor
HS - History
HV - Heating and Ventilation
IA - Indoor Agriculture
ICP - Individually Created Program
IM - Industrial Maintenance
INTT - Interdisciplinary Studies
IP - International Studies
IS - Information Systems
IT - Industrial Technology
LAT - Latin
LB - Liberal Studies
LDR - Education, Leadership and Public Service
LG - Languages
LPM - Loss Prevention
LSP - Labor Studies
MA - Mathematics
MET - Mechanical Engineering Technology
MF - Manufacturing Technology
MGT - Management
MKT - Marketing
MS - Military Science
MSED - Science Education
MU - Music
NAS - Native American Studies
NE - Nursing
NU - Nursing
OC - Occupational Studies
OIS - Office Information Systems
PBW - Plant Based Wellness
PE - Physical Education
PH - Physics
PL - Philosophy
PMD - Pre Medical/Dental
PN - Practical Nursing
POR - Portuguese
PR - Public Relations
PS - Political Science
PSCR - Public Safety/Local Corrections
PSLE - Public Safety/Law Enforcement
PSY - Psychological Science
PT - Automotive Service Technology
PY - Psychology
RAD - Radiography
RE - Recreation
REN - Renewable Energy
RSP - Respiratory Therapy
RUS - Russian Language
SL - Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences
SN - Spanish
SO - Sociology
SP - Speech
ST - Surgical Technology
SW - Social Work
TE - Technical Education
TH - Theatre
TS - Traffic Safety
UN - University Studies
WD - Welding
WT - Wood Technology