Jan 18, 2025  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

Course Information and Search

This section lists descriptions for all university courses. These descriptions include any prerequisites, co-requisites, the amount of credit hours applied for each course, and, where relevant, the hours devoted to lecture, discussion, and laboratory (see applicable department sections for the total credits required for each major or program). If no indication exists for lecture, discussion, and laboratory hours, then the course is considered a lecture. Courses that meet particular general education requirements are also noted.

The courses listed here are subject to change. Many courses are regularly offered in the fall, while others are offered in the winter or summer. However, semester enrollment, course demand, changes in faculty, and other factors will sometimes affect the offering of courses.

When planning a semester program, students should contact the applicable departments for information regarding course offerings.

Understanding the Course Search  

To register for courses use the mynmu.nmu.edu  “Registration” function. 




Allied Health




Art and Design


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